look into my orchid eye
and I'll tell you a story about psilocybin sex,
how to melt into another
with full chimera absorption.
honeycombed echo’s of deep earth
as red sandstone soil covered
buried treasure
of soft flowing unconditional red fur.
grief and earthen closure, follow the sound
of The Churning Machine of Decomposition
welcoming, one and all, into its subterranean cocoon.
an embrace we all must accept, with adventurous willingness
like stepping into an azure portal sea,
gasses swirling around bare feet in great currents,
gently sucking velvet toes with its silk waves
into the cosmic Great Unknown.
Friction, oh sweet Friction,
the core of pleasure
of lung walls swelling with rapid silver breath;
of winter woodstove warmth, igniting the spinning gears, in new loves' lubricated stomach.
Friction of cinnamon-spiked mouth
tasting raw animal flesh
blood dripping along edges of deified full lips
bowing in cult worship for another;
for another, sacred bite.
of exquisitely applied pressure
squirming bountifully on oyster pearls
inside secret red bedroom dream caves of exalted Himeros.
this dance
All innately know the steps to
connecting, one and all, to Mother Earth's life-spawning orgasms
twisting our bodies for that end
firming and softening in tune with another
delivering, onto, another
an expression, expressed, with full anatomical devotion and giving over of one's body.
open yourself,
to be stung by the wasp
itched by the black fly
fall from the swaying tree
summer scraped bicycle knees.
swim with jellyfish, not fearing their tentacles.
allow the knowledge to build up
to soar above Mount Ganymede.
Be Experienced.
use the tricks of nature to learn more about The Melting,
and how pain can lead pleasure
and pleasure
can be the connection to the Eternal.
Jennifer Platts-Fanning is a recipient of a 2022 Island Literary Award for her poetry collection, “sanctuary drift”, a 2020 Island Literary Award for her short story, "Four Thieves Vinegar” and the 2022 Battle Tales VII champion for her poetic creation myth, "The Book of Threads". Her poetry was selected for publication in The Write Launch literary magazine’s June 2022 edition. Her work has found its way onto various theatrical stages, including, "Held to the Fire" chosen for Watermark Theatre's 2018 Play Reading Series, "An Answer to the Question on Death" staged at Fridays with Fringe in 2019 and her dystopian fable, "Apple Bones" performed at the 2021 PEI Community Theatre Festival. She belongs to the highly creative PEI GIFted Genre Writing Group, where her writing is published in the annually released GIFt Horse anthology.