As my want continues the more wanting,
My wanting spirit seems to be haunting
The overconscious of my mind’s spirit,
With voices of other voice to hear it
Say unto me: follow by thy free will
That is never enough to get your fill,
So thy rank can approach the last of heights
That’s barrier to all but in thy sights.
Thus it speaks; & I hear it still as verse,
But I try best to reprimand the curse.
But, as I arrest myself from its work
I plead the fifth from the curses that lurk
That abuse myself with its arrowed lies
That may sling the death of me in all ties.
This innocence you play to save your face
From game, by prancing games in your own chase
That tags nothing for its embarrassment
In the lack of tags you’ve failed to consent,
Makes this game we play a play for lovers
Who’re not at consent to break false covers
And reprimand clean sheets for a new one
Since the verse previous had much to pun.
This innocence is cute for a favor
But the more does take away your flavor
And proves you inexperienced in love
Since you shelter with innocence above,
With nothing that helps the rules of the game
That are real to the bottom of a dame.
Kollin Kennedy is an emerging writer in the Dallas area and is currently a student attending the University of North Texas. He has self-published a few collections of poetry, including his recent 'Oedipus' and is currently working on a work of prose. He has written several short stories and has also published a play. (GENRE: POETRY) Instagram: kollinkennedy_